LIB Collection API for Museum Koenig Bonn

Web service for accessing the natural history collections data in the digital catalog of LIB.
It is possible to search in the Specimens and Collections.

Results are avaliable in HTML, JSON or XML/RDF format. Various parameters can be used to scroll through the results, request a specific format or set the page size.

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Collection entry:

Collection Specimen:

Each search parameter is an approximate search for the word. Thus the text accessionnumber=HERP finds all entries in which the catalog number begins with MAM.

Detailed information for one entry

Collection entry:

Collection Specimen:

Paging query parameters

Data format

The data format of the server response can be passed either as query parameter, as URL path or via content negotiation.
Possible formats are: html, json and xml/rdf.
The described parameters for browsing and searching for taxon names and projects are possible, as well as the URL path extensions for the detailed display of an entry from the catalog.

Format parameter

Format url path